Utilizing Data to Drive Change

Milwaukee Succeeds and Youth Forward MKE are committed to utilizing data to drive our efforts forward. In 2022, we launched a new series called Success Stories, with each installment exploring a different program or event through quotes, survey results and opportunities for growth. This series will continue in 2023 with reports evaluating the success of each youth-directed Violence Prevention Grant.

Additionally, a new report titled the State of High School Success in Milwaukee is currently in development. The document will provide data and tools that explore what high school success means and how Milwaukee stacks up, helping partners, leaders and the larger community learn about the state of high school education and how they can advocate for change.

To learn more about the state of youth/adult equity in Milwaukee and to help organizations learn where they are on the Youth Adult Equity Ladder, Milwaukee Succeeds and Youth Forward MKE are piloting the Youth Adult Equity Assessment. This brief online evaluation, which is intended to be completed as a team, assesses organizations based on a variety of different metrics and gives them a look into where they rank on the road to full equity. It also provides information and examples to help these partners plan strategies to move themselves up the ladder.

(Those interested in lending a hand to Youth Forward MKE’s data efforts are encouraged to join our Data Workgroup! Contact Kristin Kappelman, director of research, for more information.)


Ambassador Amaya Bauldwin wins Black Excellence Award Scholarship


Partner Highlight: United Way Community Schools Partnership