Our Work

 Young people in Milwaukee have demands for change.

Youth Forward MKE has convened a partnership of local youth and adult co-leads in order to build authentic partnerships, create space and shift power to youth.

  • Build Authentic Partnerships

    We’re building stronger, aligned networks to ensure youth receive the necessary supports and resources. Through the Strategic Financing Plan, our goal is to increase resources designated to mental health and workforce development.

  • Create Space

    We aim to create spaces that center the perspectives and lived experiences of youth, ensuring they are heard and valued. This work includes the implementation of the three youth-generated Design Your Future proposals.

  • Shift Power

    We’re shifting ways of operating so that young people not only have a seat at the table, but are leading and driving decision-making. Once finalized and adopted, our Youth Impact Assessment will highlight how proposed policies and programs impact youth.

Our Strategies

  • Local Partnership

    We strive to authentically engage youth, learning from their experiences and ensuring their voices are heard. That’s why we’re committed to growing and supporting our diverse youth-adult partnership, Youth Forward MKE. Together, we work to identify and meet the needs of Black male youth.

  • Equitable Governance

    We work to increase access to equitable community governance structures for youth, giving them a place where they can be heard and people who are willing to listen.

  • Mental Health

    The painful truth is that for Black males, our schools do not provide a welcoming environment that cultivates their long-term success. Increasing access to mental health supports and preventative care will provide them the space, time and strategies they need to succeed.

  • Advocating for Change

    Deep and lasting change can only happen when we work together to change the systems. That’s why we advocate for state and local policy to create a more equitable and inclusive education environment.

Why Are we Shifting Power to Young People?